luni, 24 decembrie 2012


The year 2012 was a complex, some times difficult, some times challenging year but mainly rewarding. It was a year of change and new projects, of happy moments and hopes: new business projects, psychology studies, story telling at the Romanian book shop, moving in a new apartment, meeting new friends and enjoy best moments with old friends, travelling to new places...
I wanted to share with you some of these moments in a small 2 minutes and a half movie. There are only the happy moments because we do not make pictures when we are down, when we are in tears, in rage, when we are sad. I had these kinds of moments as well but they were all making me a better person. This is what I wish for everybody for the years to come: be a better person everyday. When you feel there is nothing to do, remember that humans are wired for empathy, social cooperation, and mutual aid and you will always find somebody for help, encouragement and understanding.

I wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Anul 2012 a fost unul complex, cateodata dificil si provocator dar in cele mai multe cazuri a fost extraordinar. A fost un an al schimbarilor, al noilor proiecte, al momemntelor fericite si al sperantei: mutarea si renovarea noului apartament in care ne-am mutat, proiecte noi pentru afacerea mea, noi cursuri la psihologie, intalnirea unor persoane ce mi-au devenit noi prieteni, momente extraordinare cu vechii prieteni, calatoriile in locuri in care nu mai fusesem inainte…
As vrea sa impart cu voi cateva din aceste momente intr-un filmulet de 2 minute jumatate. Mi-a fost greu sa aleg doar cateva poze dar cred ca veti simti admosfera generala J
Bineinteles, am selectat doar momente fericite caci nu am facut poze cand eram pierduta, nervoasa, cu ochii in lacrimi, manioasa sau bolnava…dar toate aceste momente m-au facut sa fiu o persoana mai buna. Asta este ceea ce v-as dori tuturor pentru anii ce vor sa vina: sa fiti si sa deveniti persoane mai bune in fiecare zi. Si atunci cand vei avea momente in care crezi ca nimic nu are sens, nu uita ca oamenii sunt buni, intelegatori dorindu-si cooperearea sociala si ajutorul reciproc si ca vei gasi intodeauna pe cineva sa te ajute, sa te incurajeze sau sa te inteleaga.

Va urez tuturor Craciun Fericit si un An Nou cu multa pace sufleteasca!

2 comentarii:

  1. Nice, lots of good moments visible, with social cooperation, understanding and mutual aid .... encouraging!

    that's also what bad moments are for: showing you how good the good ones are :)

    wishing you lots of fun challenges, enjoyable success and creative cooperations for 2013
