duminică, 22 decembrie 2013


I guess one can categorise a year as being happy or successful by looking back at its moments, being unable to decide what was more wonderful. Personally 2013 was a great year for me: traveling, collaborating with extraordinary people, learning, training and getting trained, coaching, creating, spending nice moments with family and friends. It was only one not so nice moment at the begging of the year when my last grandmother died...I was not in Europe so my family decided to tell me when I was almost back. She was buried on the same day I was getting married*. This is life. Some die, some are born...I was sad, I still am but life has to go on.
But, the purpose of this post is not to make you sad or philosophical about the normal matters of life. Its purpose is to share with you some moments of life, to celebrate the ending of the year and to look hopeful and courageous towards the new year and whatever is going to bring us. 
Traditionally there are only the happy moments because we do not make pictures when we are down, when we are in tears, in rage, when we are sad. I had these kinds of moments as well but they were all making me a better person. 
This is what I wish for everybody for the year to come: be a better person everyday. When you feel there is nothing to do, remember that humans are wired for empathy, social cooperation, and mutual aid and you will always find somebody for help, encouragement and understanding.

I wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

*Maybe some of you would ask how come I was getting married and I did not know about my grandma that was suppose to be at my marriage together with my family. Simply because me and my husband decided that the very act of marriage is an intimate act, that we do it for us and not for our families and other public and that probably (to read hopefully) they will understand will be happy for us and with us later on.

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