I chose the title of this blog after a song of a French group Manau "Le Tribu de Dana" or the tribe of Dana in free translation. Dana, it seems that it was an Irish goddess of Celtic mythology, a kind of God-woman, the goddess of fertility and prosperity. This goddess had equivalent in Indo-European mythologies of various peoples before Christianization being called Dana, Danu, Don and seems to have given different names of rivers like Danube (in Latin Danavius), the Dniester (Russian) or Dnieper (Russian Dniepr). The significance of names could be "donor" or "benefactor". In India dâna has the meaning of gift.
This name suits me perfectly because the purpose of this blog is that to offer, to give some of my thoughts and my knowledge.
Two years ago I started a new path, a new change: coaching. This blog is linked to this vocation ... It is linked to my will and passion of understanding and accompanying of human beings, people in general in the process of change, of personal development, of finding inner peace, of finding itself. I will post articles about coaching and differences between coaching and psychology, psychotherapy or psychiatry, about personality, about stress, about YOU .... Maybe if you come up here with reading and you are not yet bored, you already begin to say: blah, blah, blah … another one telling us how to be better, perform better, how to guide our lives, what to do, what to ... Well, if you want to start reading this blog, to be part of this "tribe" then I tell you from the beginning "YOU ARE ALREADY SOMEBODY GOOD " and it will be the title of the first article ... Happy reading!